Doc Pop doing the Cheese Whip to get into Spirit Bomb.
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Eli Hops, Alpha Combo
Doc Pop
Eli Hops Behind Head and Arm
Doc Pop
Eli Hops
El Matador / Hula, 1A
Dale Myrberg with incredible style and skill.
Flying Saucer
Start as if you are going to do a regular throwdown, but lie the yo-yo down flat in your palm. Throw the yo-yo down and at an angle (about 45 degrees) across your body. Once it gets to the end of the string, quickly move your hand so that it is above the yo-yo, and the string will start to flutter. Now pick up the middle of the string with your free hand and watch the UFO fly.
To get the yo-yo to come back to your hand, pull up on the string in your free hand so that the yo-yo pops ups into the air at about eye level. At the same time bring your yo-yo hand out to the side so that the string makes a straight line from your hand to the yo-yo. If the yo-yo is still spinning fast enough it will wind up sideways and go back to your hand.
– You don’t have to pick up the string with your free hand, but the UFO will fly longer if you do.
– Skilled players use this trick to tighten and loosen the yo-yo strings. Just remember “Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey.” In other words, when you throw the yo-yo to your right the string will tighten, and when you throw it to your left the string will loosen. This is true for both right and left-handed players.
– It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to do this trick with an unresponsive yo-yo.
International yo-yo superstar: Takeshi
Iron Whip
Paul Yath
Spencer Berry invented this one.
Modified Shockwave
Modified version to flow better than the original Shockwave.
Watch the video a bunch of times, then follow the tips.
– Keep your thumb pointing straight out at a 90-degree angle, and pulling back to keep tension on the string.
– Try to hit the string as far out toward the tip of your first finger on your throwing hand as possible. These first two tips together will ensure maximum spread of the strings for the second landing on the string.
– When flipping the yo-yo over your throwing hand it is important that it not go any higher than the tip of your thumb. If the yo-yo goes too high, the string won’t pop off like it’s supposed to.